WARNING: the following images contains something so sinister that i dont know what your reaction will be. lol
NOTE: the following pix are taken inside my room, my camera is my phone, and photos may not be "grabbed" without the exclusive permission of the author. :D

what you see here is my bedroom floor. as you can see, there's a variety of items that should not be there in the first place. my dirty clothes, books, papers, wrappers, magazines, food crumbs, mat (i "lost" my chair so i sit here).

upstairs.. lol, you'll see. hahaha. there's a piglet. thats not mine, tis my sister's. there's some papers and books, rubber tube, bag, shin guards(lol, why is that there?) and mat. hehehe.

this is my desk under my bed. there's a pictureless frame, BIBLE, box, books, calendar, Egyptian poster, Egyptian lamp, and a papyrus painting, and some other stuff. hopefully by Christmas, you'll see a new addition of things there. my very own computer, hahaha
this is my favorite things corner. my egyptian poster, egyptian lamp, egyptian papyrus painting, some things, books. and pauline's picture. i just placed is there for effect, although her picture resides in my wallet. hahaha
this is the "collection's corner. my knife collection, cars, ferrari, some other collectibles. and i think thats it though.
now you have parts of my room. now that you saw my small room, i think an explanation is in order. hahaha. since it's summer, i have that laziness flu that makes me lazy. lol. it is a little messy. but rest assured, by maybe next week, i will clean my room and MAYBE il make a post about that. hahaha. this is the longest post that i have been working on. i just hope it was worth it though. i had to cope with pictures with mismatched descriptions, duplicated pictures and descriptions, finding the right pictures, thinking of stuff to write, etc. hehehe. so, till here. il make MORE posts soon. dont worry, i will have enough posts to last a LIFETIME. :)
OHHHMYYYYGUUUSSSSTTTSSSSS, siiiiis!! wth?! couldn't say any word.
ReplyDeleteBOYS WILL ALWAYS BE BOYS. *wheeeeew*felt nauseated reading and watching the pix of how cluttered your room is. my geeeeesh. HAHAHAHAHA! :]]]] if pauline could chance by your room, she'dprolly clean the place. it's sooooooooo messy, sis! HAHAHA! :]] hoii, i doubt you got a medal for cleanliness. *cough2x* AHAHAHA! :]]
hahahhaa. btaw! i really have that medal for cleanliness! hahaha. gradeskul pa. :D